This is the project recently handed in!
It was about printing using different techniques such as; intaglio, lino and textiles.
The rest of my prints are mounted on wood, and my final piece is the one in blue. The final piece for intaglio is the picture of my presentation (which we were asked to do) is the white and black piece, and last but least is my final lino print, the piece in a red with a white wash over on the top photo.
I was inspired by Camille Rose Garcia and Niagara.
I used Camille Garcia for intaglio and lino printing, of which I then made final prints using her influence.
Niagara was used for textiles print as I found it would be easy to print Pop Art in monotone colours.
You can find the textiles prints in the first photograph. The final piece for textiles is the mounted to the wood at the bottom in dark blue. I wish I had chosen a lighter color for it. The final print for intaglio is the top piece in white and black in the first photo, and my final print for lino is the one in a light red.
When I started this project I hadn't had a artist in mind, so I had chosen a nice tiger photo for my first testing piece and made it into a pillow.